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June 2016 Community Events Spotlight

On Behalf of | Jun 7, 2019 | Community, Community Events, Firm News, News

June Community Events

DLG attorneys and paraprofessionals are actively involved in the central Kentucky community.  We strive to make central Kentucky a better place to live, work and relax for everyone.

DelCotto Law Group is now accepting appointments in their Louisville office location! In hopes of better serving the state of Kentucky, DLG now has offices in Lexington, Somerset, Danville, and Louisville.

DLG is proud to be a mile marker sponsor for the American Diabetes Association’s Step Out Event on June 4, 2016. Step Out: Walk to Stop Diabetes is the ADA’s signature fundraising walk. The event has been taking place for more than 20 years and has raised more than $200,000,000 to Stop Diabetes! Walk day is a huge celebration of the fundraising efforts YOU put into this event and an amazing experience. Step Out is filled with music, food, kids’ activities, local entertainment and most importantly, the company of those who truly understand the impact of diabetes. The event will take place at the Keeneland Race Course- Barn 2. More information can be found at the American Diabetes Association’s event website: http://stepout.diabetes.org/site/TR/StepOut/StepOutContent?pg=entry&fr_id=11140.

Member Jamie Harris will be speaking at the National Business Institute Seminar about the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act and how to comply in Kentucky. The seminar will occur at the Courtyard in Lexington by Keeneland on June 9, 2016.

Member Dean Langdon will be supporting Broke Spoke Community Bike Shop in the W6K: A West Sixth and Broke Spoke Sunset Run on June 18, 2016. This is the second annual West Sixth 6K. The run will begin and end at Coolavin Park. The course will take you through downtown Lexington and a portion of the Legacy Trail. All proceeds will benefit Broke Spoke Community Bike Shop and will be used to beautify the outside of the shop with a fresh paint job and community bike mural. Last year with the help of the Bluegrass Cycling Club and funds raised by the West Sixth 6K, Broke Spoke installed a U-fix-It work station and water fountain/bottle filling station outside the shop. To sign up or find more information about the event, visit the website:http://www.eventbrite.com/e/w6k-a-west-sixth-and-broke-spoke-sunset-run-tickets-25126293420?aff=erelexpmlt.

Judge Tracey Wise, the Kentucky Bar Association Elder Law Section, and the Kentucky Bar Association Bankruptcy Section are getting excited about ElderCare presentations. ElderCare is a financial awareness program for seniors hoping to prevent senior citizens from falling victim to scams and financial abuse. If you have any questions, would like to volunteer, or assist in training presenters, please e-mail Sara Johnston at [email protected]. Materials can be found at www.kyeb.uscourts.gov.

We hope that you’ll check back next month to see what DLG has planned for July!

